Tuesday, December 09, 2008

barbie zombies (as if there was any other kind)

Boing Boing tells us how to make our (uh, yours actually) Barbies into zombies. Learn how here.
I only mention this in the context of genre: Is it fair to say that zombie is now a genre in itself, rather than a sub-genre of horror? I ask because Twilight shows the vampire film's essential element is not horror; it's sex -- The one thing zombies films are not about. I just wonder if these former horror icons have established such firmly attached themes that they have outgrown the overly broad "horror" genre. Or in a different way of thinking -- has horror become a meta-genre the way comedy and drama have?Are vampire films the romantic comedy to the zombie movies' gross-out teen comedy? (Analogically speaking -- although with Shawn of the Dead ...)

While you ponder those questions, I'm going to see if the same tricks used for Barbie will apply to my old G.I. Joe.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Coincidentally, I had a horrifying experience as a young girl in which a barbie grabbed onto my leg at night. Traumatized, I destroyed all my barbies and now only own stuffed animal dolphins.