Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Best Ten lists

'Tis the season. I don't think there's such a thing as a a bad best ten list. Some are more in line with my personal tastes, but I personally find them useful for two reasons: (1). Sometimes they will list a film that wasn't on my radar and it makes me want to give it a chance. For example, Time just listed Speed Racer on its list. Based upon all of the negative reviews, I gave this a pass. Based upon Corliss' comments, I'm going to pick up the DVD. (2). These lists can be informative as to how the list-makers and my own opinions coincide. For example, Steven King's list seems too self-consciously low brow to be of great use to me -- even though I agree with some of his selections, so I'm not going to rush out and see Death Race just because he included it. King's list tells me more about King, than it does about what films I should see -- but that's useful info too. Thoughts?

With that said, here's some lists, and watch this post as I add others. Let me know if anything useful emerges.
Edgar Wright's Top 29

Roger Ebert

Stephen King


Time (Richard Corliss)

The New Yorker (David Denby)


J. Schnaars said...

Thanks for pulling these together. I love a year-end list, even if it's total crap. There's also writers whose lists I eagerly anticipate. I thought Denby's New Yorker list was a lot more even handed than I expected, but A.O. and probably Nathan Lee (if they let him do one) are the two I'm most looking forward to.

One film I'll definitely be seeing because it's on everyone's list but I originally let it pass: Rachel Getting Married.

I'll also be catching Cadillac Records because New York Mag put it on its top ten.

And I'll definitely be watching Death Race when it hits DVD.

Jim Thompson said...

So did you see Speed Racer? Is Corliss crazy? I'm leaning toward "not crazy" but I guess I have to see it.

I was also surprised by the Denby list -- it's still a little "high end" - but it included Wall-E and all of the films on the list are ones I've seen or plan to see. Good to see Allen popping up somewhere, even though I didn't see it -- and I'm probably most anticipating the Wrestler at the moment -- I've heard great things from some friends.

J. Schnaars said...

Still no on Speed. I'll get around to it at some point, but I've been catching up on the Sopranos (finally, I know) and Mad Men over the last month or so and haven't had too much extra time for DVD.

I'm equally pumped about the Wrestler. I cannot imagine a scenario in which I come away disappointed.