Monday, December 08, 2008

NY Times Magazine "Screen" issue

"Every fall the magazine publishes a special issue about Hollywood, acelebration and investigation of that unique experience calledmoviegoing: sitting in a dark theater for two hours with a few hundredstrangers and being entertained by flickering lights and amplifiedsound. This year, we’ve stretched the issue to reflect a new reality:when you watch moving pictures these days, a theater is the last placeyou are likely to be. Cable, YouTube, DVDs, DVR, news briefs in theelevator and cartoons on your cellphone — through a variety of media,we now consume fragmented narratives on multiple screens. From a16-second panda-sneeze video to 60 straight hours of “The Wire,” this is the way we watch now." -- NY Times

There's some nice pieces on the industry in this issue, including "how we watch" themed material, which seems to be the "thing" to discuss. Click the cover to go to the whole issue.

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