Sunday, December 07, 2008


Last year I don' think it's unfair to say the Duke in LA class was socially conservative (not all, but a majority [a moral majority?]) In years past, I've shown some fairly challenging films, like Crash (the good one by Cronenberg, not the recent Academy award-winning one that I found much more pornographic under the classic sense of the word) . Yet, I don't want to offend anyone and wonder if what was once acceptable is now taboo.
So my question for all of you is how would you feel about me showing an art house gay zombie sort-of-porn film for post-modern week. Is it too much? Should I stick with Shanghai Noon?


Michaelburakow said...

That sounds so obscure and out there that I feel like I have to see it. Do it. haha

What's it called?

Jim Thompson said...

Hit the link (highlighted area) and you go to the site. The film is called Otto: Up with Dead People.
I've ordered the DVD so we'll see at least some of it in class.

Tina said...

I listened to this film's soundtrack today and its really awesome so I'm intrigued to see what the film is like.