Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Posting Bale (sorry)

Okay, this is not genre related, but since we were talking about this at breakfast, I thought I'd link this other version of the Bale incident. He's a very committed actor and was in the middle of a scene. I don't think he should be elevated to the Russell Crowe level yet. (Or maybe I'm just willing to defend him because he's Batman.)


Clarence said...

My man crush aside, I'm completely with Bale on this one. Harry Knowles has a pretty passionate defense of Bale, and went to town on Hulburt, who's apparently an "unrepentant light tweaker." If Bale's commitment to character is as intense as it's reported to be (and who can watch THE MACHINIST and think otherwise?), then I'm not surprised he blew his lid, especially after someone repeatedly walks on set, during a shot no less, to tweak lighting.

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Christian Bale is no Batman. Batman would have quickly and efficiently tied the DP up with a rope seemingly materialized from nowhere, chucked the DP elegantly in a corner and silenced him with a few potent whispers, all the while fighting sixteen fully armed villains.

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