Monday, January 19, 2009

As mentioned

This would be a secondary, for your resume and education, internship project. It's open to both my students and also my former students who are looking for a project. Former students will remember Ken as the screenwriter who's been a Genre Matters panel respondent for the past two years.

WANTED: “Viral Marketing” Interns for film company startup.

WHO: Bella Fe Films (

1) “plugged in” to Facebook, mySpace, Bebo, Hi5, and/or other blogs and online networking venues.
2) Film Student and/or "filmie" looking for resume fodder who regularly spend lots of time on the web.
3) Willing and able to work from home under minimal supervision.
4) Possed of organizational skills, command of the English language, and a great work ethic.

I need people very familiar with today’s “viral marketing” venues to help spread the word for the upcoming CG Animated spoof of Dirty Harry films - “Magnum Farce”

- The Trailer:
To be premiered on mySpace video in February.
- The two-part webisode:
To be premiered, in two parts, exclusively on
- The Short:
Currently in postproduction, will be submitted to film fests nationally and internationally this year.
- Securing of feature funding:
The ultimate goal is to generate a huge buzz that will enable me to fund the feature version.

Ideally, I’d like you to spend at least two hours a day, at least four days a week acquiring and responding to blog “friends” and driving folks to the website, to mySpace, youTube, FunnyOrDie, etc. for at least four months.

1) A cool-sounding job title like 'Associate of Viral Marketing, Bella Fe Films'
2) Upon successful completion of your four month tour, a glowing letter of recommendation from Ken Mora, Executive Producer.
4) Mention, by name and job title, in at least one national press release, this year.
5) When the short is qualified, a credit by name and job title on
6) A credit on the closing credit reel of the film-fest short.
7) A chance to accompany the Magnum Farce entourage at Los Angeles venues, and film fest near your home town.
8) A friend in Hollywood, and you’ll have a leg-up for a position at Bella Fe Films should this whole crazy venture take off.

Wow me, Ken Mora, with your enthusiasm via mail at:, please include your phone number.

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