Sunday, January 18, 2009

Friday Afternoon Field Trip

"Official VIP Studio Tour -Friday January 23 after class -- Warner Bros. Studios VIP Tour is an insider's look at one of Hollywood's busiest and most famous motion picture studios - past and present. It is an intimate, historical and educational behind-the-scenes view of an actual working studio. The VIP tour begins with a short film showcasing the movies and television shows created by Warner Bros. talent over the years. Guests are then escorted via tour carts to the Warner Bros. Museum - a true archive of filmed entertainment history. Exhibits include costumes, props, awards and actual scripts from renowned productions. From the Museum, guests will visit backlot sets, sound stages and craft/production shops - routes change from day to day to accommodate production on the lot, so no two tours are exactly alike. As you meander the studio on the VIP tour cart, anything can happen - perhaps a celebrity sighting, or a shoot just wrapping on an exterior set! You may pull into New York Street - location for such television hits as ER, but originally constructed in the 1930s for the film noir classics. Or visit Midwest Street - Warner Bros.' answer to "Any Town USA" - made famous in the musical A Music Man, but staying busy today with the hit television series Gilmore Girls. If the timing is right, guides will take you onto a sound stage to see the set of a current Warner Bros. show! Guests may also visit "The Mill", home to craft shops since the 1930's; the costume or prop warehouses; or maybe enter the Foley stage for a demonstration of how sounds are recreated for film."

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