Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Full Friday

Friday's going to be fun. As soon as class is over, we're jumping in our cars and are heading off to Burbank for lunch at Bob's Big Boy -- and not just any Bob's Big Boy. Read all about it here.
Here's a small taste: "This Bob's restaurant was built in 1949 by local residents Scott MacDonald and Ward Albert, and is the oldest remaining BOB'S BIG BOY in America. It was designed by respected architect Wayne McAllister, incorporating the 1940's transitional design of streamline modern style while anticiapting the freeform 50's coffee shop architecture. The towering BOB's sign is an integral part of the building design and its most prominent feature. The restaurant was honored in 1993, receiving the designation as a "STATE POINT OF HISTORICAL INTEREST" by the state of California. The current owner (the MacDonald Family) acquired control of the restaurant in 1993 and began to restore it to its past glory."

Anyone interested in how this relates to the writer's strike, celebrity sightings or Drew Carey should click here. It's a great story.

Part II -- As soon as we gobble up our double burgers, we're off to picket at NBC Studios for a half hour or so. Thanks to our Duke in LA special friend, Lisa Klink, we know this:

Friday, February 1

Picketing Shifts: 2:30pm-5:30pm
3000 W Alameda Ave
Burbank, CA (MAP)
Meeting Point: Check-in table is located on Bob Hope Dr. (Johnny Carson park)
Parking Option: Street parking on Bob Hope and Riverside

Part III -- then we jump back in our cars and drive a few blocks over to The Warner lot for our tour.

It doesn't get much better than this! (Unless we were going to a rock and roll western musical the next day -- WHICH WE ARE!)


Tiffany said...

this is so exciting!!! do you know if we'll be allowed to take pictures on the warner bros tour?

Jim Thompson said...

Yes. Bring your cameras. There are times however when they will make you lock them up on the bus.