Thursday, January 10, 2008

internship opp.

I just received this interesting internship opportunity. Any interested parties should talk to me on Sunday.

In Neil's own words:

This is Neil Williams from the 2005 DULA program. Sorry that it's taken me
so long to get back in touch with you.

I know that the 2008 Duke In LA program is gearing up to start in the next
week and i wanted to extend my willingness to help with this program as an
alumni or point of contact to current students.

I'm presently working with Adam Collis, film director and '91 Duke graduate,
and we're looking for interns who would be interested in getting a hands-on
glimpse into the pre-production of a feature-length film entitled "The Long
Blue Yonder." This film is being produced by Camelot Pictures, producers of
Garden State, and will be going into production in April of 2008. The
interested intern would be given a chance to follow Adam as he prepares for
the film and would also be given an opportunity to see various departments
prepare for the April shoot.

Are there any students who may be interested in interning or still need to
find internships for the semester?

You can reach me at this e-mail ( or call my cell at

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