Tuesday, January 22, 2013

LA Weekly piece on warm up comics

LA Weekly had a nice piece this week on Warm Up Comics, which I thought might be of interest to Annie. The full article can be read here. 

Here's the start of it:

"Mark Sweet has warmed up the audience at more than 4,000 sitcom tapings, and he almost always begins with the same joke, the one he's using tonight at CBS' Mike & Molly, as it gets under way at 6 p.m.: "Turn to the person to your right and shake that person's hand."
The joke — and it is a joke, which becomes clear when you see what happens next — accomplishes something more than mere laughter: It gets audience members comfortable with the people around them. The message is that this isn't the L.A. Philharmonic, where an errant cough requires you to shrink in humiliation ...
and keep reading
