Friday, January 25, 2013


In terms of planning field trips, looking out for blog posts, and gearing the semester toward various areas of pop culture, I need to know more about this year's class. Therefore, I'm going to ask each of you to please respond to this question.

Are you interested in:

1). Film (and name genres and favorites)
2). TV (and name your must-see shows)
3). Comics, including manga, web, etc. (which ones)
4) Games (and name format, i.e. Playstation, on-line World of Warcraft, etc.)
5). Music (and specify, i.e. jazz, blues, etc)
6) Sports (specify areas of interest, except for Duke basketball)
7) Art
8) Other interests, hobbies, etc.
9) Animation/Anime/Cartoons (which ones)


Tito Imbrey said...

1. Film - I have fairly broad taste, but I generally love comedy (especially quirky a la Coen bros), adventure, action comedy, fantasy, scifi, classics, and anything with a great story (e.g. Shawshank) Most of what I write comes out somewhere between Pirates of the Caribbean and Fargo in style.

2. TV - I mostly stick to TV comedy since it requires less time devotion, but I do love some dramas. My favorites include Bored to Death, Entourage, Game of Thrones, Rome, Curb your Enthusiasm, Da Ali G Show, Scrubs, My Name is Earl, Seinfeld, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I made a superhero series in high school, and I hope to work in TV writing because of the depth of character development possible.

3. Comics - I used to be an avid Spider-man reader, I don't read regularly, but still love the medium. I am a big fan of most of the graphic novel-based movies lately, and I love Alan Moore's work. Until recently, superhero films were my favorite genre, though now I have gotten a bit worn out with them. I also have been writing comics most of my life, and have a series that lasted from 3rd grade to senior year of high school that I cannot wait to one day adapt.

4. Games - I appreciate games with cool concepts and good storytelling. I like the innovation possible in a video game, but I am the worst gamer of all time. So, I like games that are interesting enough to watch others play. (Portal, Fallout, Bioshock, and my personal favorite, Tenchu.)

5. Music - I have pretty eclectic taste, recently I like folk rock, but I really enjoy jazz clubs, and a blues history tour I did in Mississippi was fascinating. My favorite groups of all time are The Temptations, Sublime, The Avett Brothers, and Van Halen.

6. Sports - Definitely not my key focus. I play tennis, and like to try new things, but I am not crazy about watching sports. I will watch the superbowl and thats about it.

7. Art - I have fairly broad taste, but I prefer human figures to be involved rather than landscapes. I enjoy classics and modern art.

9. Animation - I love Disney, and more experimental adult animation (Waltz for Bashir, etc.). I think it is the medium with the most potential, and that it is virtually untapped for any serious dramatic storytelling, at least in the mainstream. I am very interested in writing and directing for animation, so learning more about it is very exciting to me.

Unknown said...

1) Film - I am very interested in films that explore psychology, the human condition, and social norms. I also just love a good story. Some that I like include Momento, Resevoir Dogs, Fight Club, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Girl Interupted, The Fighter, American Beauty, and Silver Linings Playbook. I also think unreliable narrators are interesting to watch.

2) TV - I really like TV because each episode is shorter, but you can follow it over a longer time. I guess my tastes are eclectic but some of my favorites are Breaking Bad, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Game of Thrones, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

3) Comics - I'm interested in learning more.

4) Games - I grew up with Nintendo 64 and Mario Kart.

5) Music - I play guitar. I really like The Black Keys and Led Zeppelin. I also like a variety of music, and like going to events from jazz at the Mary Lou to open mic nights.

6) I like watching basketball and football. I like the Warriors but think college basketball is more interesting to watch.

7) Art - I love art and architecture. I'm interested in exploring some LA museums. I am a fan of the Guggenheim because of the architecture and their piscasso exhibit from his Blue Period. I always like the Met because you can get lost in different exhibits. I like usually like impressionism, but really enjoyed Andy Warhol's exhibit there.

8) I like learning about different cultures and exploring different parts of town.

9) I don't know very much about animation, but am interested in how technology is influencing how we experience media.

annie krabbenschmidt said...

1. I am interested in film, though more interested in television. I am more interested in comedy. My favorite script is Juno so that's the genre I like. I also really liked Moonrise Kingdom as my recent favorite.

2. Yes. Absolutely. 30 Rock, Parks and Rec, the Office, New Girl, How I met your mother.

3. No

4. I play Fifa, but that's about it.

5. Yes. I like oldies. All types too, but Paul Simon, Elvis, Billy Joel, those guys are my faves.

6. High interest in Duke Basketball. I love baseball, but I hate the Dodgers. SF giants!

7. Moderately interested.

8. Comedy, stand-up etc.

9. Disney Classics.

Unknown said...

1. Film, all films.

2. TV, not a fan of TV but i am open to this option.

3. Never really read comics, but i am interested in it, because i like superhero movies.

4. Games, Not that much.

5. Music, i have a broad taste in music.

6. Sports, i don't like do sports, but i like watching sports. Basketball, soccer, boxing, and ufc.

7. Art, all kinds.

8. I enjoy almost all feature length animation.